DIY Project 2

Following my DIY tops, I made some ombre bottoms too.

What you need:
jeans or shorts you want to let go
About 15 cups of water

ombrebottom1_tsj old jeans


And here’s the finished look! If you’re doing it for the first time just like me, I guess it looks okay if the lightening of the denim is not too gradient. If you want to achieve the perfect ombre effect, you must adjust the length of the submerged part from time to time and swish the pants a little bit to avoid the sharp edges. But the day I did this, I have more other things to do so I prepared this project before lunch, left it for the rest of the afternoon, then washed the bleach thoroughly from the pants and put it in the drying spin. The whole bleaching took about 4 hours.


This one got the major make over. It used to be a bell-bottom pants that I have since second year high school and because it still fits me (perks of having thin frame through the years) and the wash is still good, I made it into shorts and ripped the sides.


And here’s the result! Same procedure with the ombre pants but this time I used the clothespin to pin the sides of the shorts to the pail to prevent from being all soaked. The tattered hem will come naturally after you put your shorts into the drying spin.


Now, this is still not done yet. I’m planning to put some studs or maybe dip-dye it! There are so many creative options and thanks to The Girls’ Room blog for being my inspiration! See their cool version of DIY ombre shorts here.

Go make your own ombre shorts too! Have fun!

til my next post!


DIY project

This was a long overdue post! Last month, I had several art attacks and I raid my closet to do DIY projects.



Ombre shirt. It was easy! I read some blogs before I worked on this to get tips on how to get the perfect gradient effect and the shade.


The Venues fabric dyes I brought. You can find these in school supplies stores.

diy3_tsj diy5_tsj

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All you need:
basin with warm water
Venus or any other dyes
2-3 tablespoon of salt
White shirt

I used the light blue Venue dye on the whole half of the shirt, but I thought the shade was too light so I decided to mix in the blue dye to make it darker. Then I swished the 3/4th bottom of the shirt to the new mixture. I did not change my water anymore since I am using the same shade of color.

Another is this muscle tee. I told before that I developed fashion-fondness to muscle tees so while waiting for my ombre shirt to dry, I pull out three large and old tees and cut the sleeves off like a badass ripper! Ta-daah! Got myself an effortless new shirts.




You don’t have to spend too much in order to have one! You just trace the sleeves with the right measurement and then cut them. My measurements are 11 inches for the length of the sleeve holes, which is low enough your brassiere will do peek-a-boo (rhyme alert!) and 3.5 inches for the shoulder width.


You can always adjust the measurements according to how low or conservative you want your sleeve holes to be but I suggest, the lower, the better! After all, peek-a-boo brassiere are not for the slutties anymore.


The key to look edgy rather than trashy is to wear the right color of brassiere underneath. Opt for a wider bra sides, like the tshirt bras, so it will look clean on the sides whenever you raise your arms. You can also wear bandeau if you are not comfortable with your undergarment showing.

Cool right? After a few weeks, I viciously turned two more old shirts to muscle tees (the other one was mom’s single-worn-old dark blue shirt that was mistakenly placed in my closet. She can’t believe what it looks like now) . You’re asking me why I am making this madness? Muscle tees are making statement right now, based from the racks of Forever 21 and online shops. They are perfect pieces to match any street style. Wear it with high-waisted shorts, Doc Martens and snapbacks to kill the street gangster look or with printed leggings for a more polished style. Here I wore one of my MT’s to groceries one time.


Blue shirt from my mom | SM Dept store shorts | aztec loafers | The Ramp Crossings bag

Now are you thinking of muscle tee-ing your shirts too? ;)

til my next post!